Monday, March 13, 2017

User Controls VS Custom Controls

Today in this tutorials we will learn about user controls and custom controls. So let's start from user controls.

User Controls:-

A user control also can be used a normal server control. Basically user controls are made by user as per their requirements. If a user need to show a news section on all page and should be same on all pages then we can make a user control and put this on all pages. If there is a change in control user will change in control file and it will be replicated to all is also a best example of code re-usability.

In we have System.Web.UI.UserControl class which is used to create user controls.

User control extension is .ascx. A user control cannot have HTML, body or form tags and at the top there is control directive instead of page as used in normal pages.

Custom Controls:-

Customer control are basically written by user or derived from any third party. Customer control becomes an individual assembly when deployed and after compilation it becomes a DLL (Dynamic Link Library). These can be used as other server controls. These are used in web forms and a custom client control used in asp win forms applications. There are different ways to create custom control like:
  1. Derive a customer control from control
  2. We can compose 2 or 3 control to derive a new custom control
  3. We can make custom control from base control class of

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